Study day :

Emmanuelle Lescouët's intervention on october 28th 2021 : First meal, absorbtion in the syncretic space.
Calendar Days 2021-10-08

#dérive : lire Montréal

Emmanuelle Lescouët's intervention on tuesday november 9th 2021 at 10am during the international symposium: "Dériver en ville : Variations sensibles et dynamiques aléatoires en espaces urbain"

Calendar Days 2021-10-05

Palatine Anthology and digital humanities

Conferences about Palatine Anthology's project in association with the Altamura high school : Monday 4th (Digital Humanities) and Thursday 7th (Digital Classic) October 2021. With the participation of Marcello Vitali-Rosati, Enrico Agostini Marc

Calendar Days 2021-10-01
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  "site_phone": "(+1) 514 343 5665",
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      "slug": "how-to-populate-an-empty-space-in-motion-video-editing-workshop-for-text",
      "date_start": "2021-10-27",
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      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1388,
      "events_id": 694,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "How to populate an empty space in motion? Video editing workshop for text.",
      "content_html": "<p>The Miami-Gaspé group is meeting for a creative video editing workshop offered by Margot Mellet using Shotcut software. The workshop will take place online (at <a href=\"\"></a>) and in person. From a common video extract, it will be a question of thinking a different page for the text, with the help of video editing and considering its inscription in another space, and going to work its presence differently to integrate it in a place where a story is already in progress.</p>",
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      "description": "Workshop proposed by Margot Mellet on Thursday, October 28 at 1:00 p.m. at the Université de Montréal, in room C-3151 of the Lionel-Groulx building.",
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      "legacy_slug": "How-to-populate-an-empty-space-in-motion-Video-editing-workshop-for-text",
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      "slug": "particules-iv-new-edition-under-the-theme-vegetal-internet",
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      "title": "Particules IV : New edition under the theme «Vegetal Internet»",
      "content_html": "<p>A project of LQM and MAM, with the complicity of Rhizome littérature vivante, La Traversée - Atelier de géopoétique and the Maison des arts littéraires.</p>",
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      "id": 1386,
      "events_id": 693,
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      "title": "Study day : ",
      "content_html": "<p>If to enter the second world, one must often pass through a door, fall into a hole, in short move physically; to fully belong to this world, one must ingest it. Video games often present food as a way to regenerate the protagonist/avatar. In novels and comics, food also plays an important role. Eating is a fundamental cultural fact of a society or environment, sharing the table of the inhabitants of these universes would then be a way to actively participate in this new environment.\r\nMy intermedia study on the entry into the marvelous will focus on three points : \r\n    - the first meal as an entry into the world; the first snack on the train to Hogwarts fascinates by the diversity of Berty Crochue's treats, it poses the gap between our daily life and the society of the wizards; in Fablehaven, it is imperative to consume magical food regularly to continue to see the reality behind their common camouflage, etc; \r\n    - its corollary: not to taste anything to remain in the common world (Pan's Labyrinth, Chihiro's Journey...); \r\n    - and finally the acceptance of a particular food as the adoption of a mission or the affirmation of a new identity (Death stranding). \r\nThe place of consumption is also a fundamental place of retreat for all but also for magical beings. Thus in the visual novel Coffee Talk, the café in question is the meeting place and refuge for the magical population of the Seattle of the future.</p>",
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      "description": "Emmanuelle Lescouët's intervention on october 28th 2021 : First meal, absorbtion in the syncretic space. ",
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      "legacy_slug": "Study-day--",
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      "slug": "derive-lire-montreal",
      "date_start": "2021-10-05",
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      "id": 1390,
      "events_id": 695,
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      "title": "#dérive : lire Montréal",
      "content_html": "<p>Through its digital experiments, urban literature allows a kaleidoscopic and polyphonic apprehension of space. This scriptural practice of space, essential in video game narratives, also makes the medium, through its splitting between reading locations, intimately spatial. I wish to study how drifting, as a digital urban literary practice, engenders a reading of space. To do so, I will study the collective Montreal twittéraire work #dérive (2010, in progress) by confronting it to the figures of reading developed by Bertrand Gervais (2007). This fragmentary work builds a permanent anthology of the city through its random and playful exploration, updating the figure of the museur. Its writing (figure of the scribe), both textual and photographic, and in close collaboration with hypertext links and keywords - indicating the belonging of the bill to the project and the precise place that is its object - gives a materiality to this perdition. Through its reading, the work #dérive brings a collective understanding of urban experiences yet personal, allowing the construction of complex meanings (figure of the interpreter). By adding and superimposing themselves, these particular perceptions, poetic, more or less narrative, bring an infraordinary transcription of the city through time, thus archiving an urban text in perpetual rewriting.</p>",
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      "description": "<h2>Emmanuelle Lescouët's intervention on tuesday november 9th 2021 at 10am during the international symposium: \"Dériver en ville : Variations sensibles et dynamiques aléatoires en espaces urbain\"</h2>",
      "location": null,
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      "legacy_slug": "derive--lire-Montreal",
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      "slug": "single-source-publishing-theoretical-issues-and-technical-implementations",
      "date_start": "2021-10-05",
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      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1382,
      "events_id": 691,
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      "title": "Single source publishing: theoretical issues and technical implementations. ",
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      "description": "<h2>Thursday 18th november at 11am, online.</h2>",
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      "legacy_slug": "Single-source-publishing-theoretical-issues-and-technical-implementations-",
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      "slug": "the-new-faces-of-publishing-open-access-social-and-solidarity-economy-editorialization-round-table-at-the-jacques-cartier-talks",
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      "id": 1380,
      "events_id": 690,
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      "title": "The new faces of publishing: open access, social and solidarity economy, editorialization. Round table at the Jacques Cartier talks",
      "content_html": "<p>As a follow-up to the conference \"Open access, social and solidarity economy, editorialization: the new faces of scholarly publishing\" organized as part of the Entretiens Jacques Cartier on November 4, 2020, the École nationale supérieure des sciences de l'information et des bibliothèques and the Canada Research Chair on Digital Writing are organizing a roundtable discussion on Tuesday, October 12, 2021, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (French time), which will bring together actors and actresses of the publishing industry in France and Quebec.</p><p>\r\nSylvie Bigot (Presses universitaires de Grenoble), Sylvia Fredriksson (La Myne), Émilie Paquin (Érudit) and Nicolas Sauret (Ateliers de [sens public]), will come to exchange their views on the issues of editorialization, economic model, open access and commons.</p><p>\r\nThe roundtable is moderated by Antoine Fauchié and Valérie Larroche.</p>",
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      "description": "<h2>Tuesday, October 12, 2021 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.<br/>Online: <a href \" \">in a video conference open to all</a></h2>",
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      "legacy_image": "",
      "legacy_slug": "The-new-faces-of-publishing-open-access-social-and-solidarity-economy-editorialization-Round-table-at-the-Jacques-Cartier-talks",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "a-doctoral-fellowship-obtained-in-the-crc-on-digital-textualities-s-team",
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      "id": 1378,
      "events_id": 689,
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      "title": "A doctoral fellowship obtained in the CRC on Digital Textualities's team",
      "content_html": "<h3>LQM's scholarship 2021-2022 : Emmanuelle Lescouët</h3>\r\n\r\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Emmanuelle Lescouët</a>, is one of the two recipient of the <a href=\"\">the 10 000$ scholarship granted by the Littérature québécoise mobile (LQM) partenership.</a></p>",
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      "legacy_slug": "A-doctoral-fellowship-obtained-in-the-CRC-on-Digital-Textualitiess-team",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "palatine-anthology-and-digital-humanities",
      "date_start": "2021-10-01",
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      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1376,
      "events_id": 688,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Palatine Anthology and digital humanities",
      "content_html": "<p>Conferences' outline : \r\n<ol>\r\n<li>General presentation of the project.</li>\r\n<li>Theoretical and methodological bases.</li>\r\n<li>Technical principles of the platform.</li>\r\n<li>Digital humanities.</li>\r\n<li>Q&A session.</li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</p>",
      "links": null,
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>Conferences about Palatine Anthology's project in association with the Altamura high school :  Monday 4th (Digital Humanities) and Thursday 7th (Digital Classic) October 2021. With the participation of Marcello Vitali-Rosati, Enrico Agostini Marc",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": null,
      "legacy_slug": "Palatine-Anthology-and-digital-humanities",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "les-midis-de-l-intermedialite-thinking-the-irremediable-media",
      "date_start": "2021-09-14",
      "date_end": null,
      "time_start": null,
      "time_end": null,
      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1372,
      "events_id": 686,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Les midis de l'intermédialité : Thinking the irremediable media",
      "content_html": "<h3> Thinking the irremediable medium: A study of palimpsest as a process of media detour in research and creation</h3>\r\n\r\n<p>Les midis de l'intermédialité is a new meeting proposed by the CRIalt and intended for young researchers (from master's to postdoctoral level) wishing to share their work related to intermediality with their peers. Each session consists of a twenty-minute presentation, followed by a discussion moderated by a guest moderator.</p>.\r\n<p>organized by Rémy Besson and coordinated by Jenny Brasebin.</p>",
      "links": null,
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>Lecture by Margot Mellet<br/>September 28, 2021 from 12:00 to 1:00 PM Montreal time on <a href=\"\">Zoom</a></h2>",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "[/img]",
      "legacy_slug": "Les-midis-de-lintermedialite--Thinking-the-irremediable-media",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "debug-your-humanities-canada-research-chair-in-digital-writing-training",
      "date_start": "2021-09-07",
      "date_end": null,
      "time_start": null,
      "time_end": null,
      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1414,
      "events_id": 707,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Debug your humanities - Canada Research Chair in Digital Writing Training",
      "content_html": "<h3>Session 01 - 2022-01-14 - SETTING UP YOUR TERMINAL</h3>\r\n<p>Installing ZSH and Oh My ZSH, changing the appearance. Discovering the advanced features offered by ZSH. Browsing through the history.</p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Session 02 - 2022-01-28 - CODE AND TEXT EDITORS</h3>\r\n<p>Nano, Vim, EMACS and VSCodium, exploring the possibilities offered by different approaches.</p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Session 03 - 2022-02-11 - BASH OR HOW TO INDUSTRIALIZE THE TERMINAL</h3>\r\n<p>Discovering Bash, creating some scripts, overview of Make.</p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Session 04 - 2022-02-25 - ACTIONS TO REPEAT</h3>\r\n<p>Batch file renaming and other programming introductions.</p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Session 05 - 2022-03-11 - SSH AND REMOTE CONNECTIONS</h3>\r\n<p>How to get in touch with other machines, alone or with others.</p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Session 06 - 2022-03-25 - SAFEGUARDING YOUR DATA</h3>\r\n<p>Reminders of how a computer works, basic principles of redundancy, use of Rsync.</p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Session 07 - 2022-04-08 - GIT THE RETURN</h3>\r\n<p>Actual usage, SSH key configuration, conflict management and merge requests.</p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Session 08 - 2022-04-22 - MAKING WEB PAGES</h3>\r\n<p>Introduction à HTML et CSS, conversion à partir de Markdown avec Pandoc.</p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Séance 09 - 2022-04-29 - FABRIQUER DES SITES WEB</h3>\r\n<p>Introduction aux générateurs de site statique, création d'un mini site web depuis un modèle.</p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Séance 10 - 19-11-2021 - Imprimer des documents</h3>\r\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Enregistrement de la séance.</a></p>\r\n<p>Introduction à LaTeX : \r\nmanipuler LaTeX,\r\ndécouverte de Paged.js</p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Séance 11 - 2022-05-13 - PANDOC EN MODE AVANCÉ</h3>\r\n<p>Rappels des usages possibles de Pandoc, découverte des filtres LUA.</p>",
      "links": [
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      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>Serie of digital trainings for humanities.<br/>These trainings will take place starting September 10, every Friday from 9:30am to 11am (Montreal time).\r\n\r\nThese open and free meetings for all will be in person but it will be possible to follow th",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": null,
      "legacy_slug": "Debug-your-humanities---Canada-Research-Chair-in-Digital-Writing-Training",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "public-lecture-embodied-materialities-materialites-incarnees",
      "date_start": "2021-04-27",
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      "time_end": null,
      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1370,
      "events_id": 685,
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      "title": "Public Lecture: Embodied Materialities / Matérialités incarnées",
      "content_html": "<p>With :<br/>\r\n- “Menstrala: Gender, Art, and Blood” by Jennifer O’Connor<br/>\r\n- “‘Where am I now?’ Embodied Relational Process inP. Megan Andrews’ Disorientation Project” by Angela Joosse<br/>\r\n- “Becoming M/other: Materialities in Ali Abbasi’s 2018 film Border” by Monique Tschofen</p>\r\n<p>We have conceived a common note to follow the event, you may participate here :  <a href=\"\"></a></p>\r\n<p>The informations of the event are also available here : <a href=\"\"></a></p>",
      "links": null,
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      "description": "<h2>Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 12am (EST)<br/>on line: <a href=\"\"></a></h2>",
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      "legacy_slug": "Public-Lecture-Embodied-Materialities--Materialites-incarnees",
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