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"site_description": "We are now living in a digital space. This space is made of writing.",
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"site_email": "crc.ecrituresnumeriques@gmail.com",
"site_address_html": "<p>Université de Montréal<br>Pavillon Lionel Groulx 8e étage<br>Local C8041<br>3150, rue Jean Brillant<br>Montréal (QC) H3T 1N8 Canada</p>",
"site_phone": "(+1) 514 343 5665",
"site_rights": "© 2024 Canada Research Chair in Digital Textualities. Some rights reserved.",
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"slug": "digital-humanities-showcase-by-the-centre-de-recherche-interuniversitaire-sur-les-humanites-numeriques-interuniversity-research-centre-on-digital-humanities",
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"title": "Digital Humanities Showcase by the Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur les humanités numériques (Interuniversity Research Centre on Digital Humanities)",
"content_html": "<p>Program :<br>\r\n9 a.m. : Welcome by Michael Sinatra (CRIHN director) and Darren Wershler (MILIEUX co-founder</p>\r\n<p>9:05-9:50 : Session 1</p>\r\n<p>Louis-Olivier Brassard (UdeMontréal), Antoine Fauchié (UdeMontréal) and Jean-François Vallée (Collège de Maisonneuve): \"Le Novendécaméron : une expérience d’édition littéraire numérique à l’ère de la covid-19\"</p>\r\n<p>Diane K. Jakacki (Bucknell University): \"Engaging TEI Editors in Text Encoding Through LEAF-Writer\"</p>\r\n<p>Ronny Litvack-Katzman (McGill): \"News and Novel Sensations: A Digital Dive into the Victorian Print Culture\"</p>\r\n<p>Antoine Fauchié (UdeMontréal), Giulia Ferretti (UdeMontréal), Roch Delannay (UdeMontréal) and Marcello Vitali-Rosati (UdeMontréal): \"‘Put your pen down!’: zoom sur les nouvelles fonctionnalités de l’éditeur de texte Stylo\"</p>\r\n<p>Jason Camlot (Concordia), Francisco Berrizbeitia (Concordia) et al: \"Archive of the Digital Present for Online Literary Performance in Canada (COVID-19 Pandemic Period)\"</p>\r\n<p>9:50-10:05 : Coffee Break</p>\r\n<p>10:05-10:50 : Session 2</p>\r\n<p>Julien Vallières (McGill) and Elisabeth Doyon (UQAM): \"Un modèle de données pour la sociabilité savante\"</p>\r\n<p>Valérie Angenot (UQAM) et Julien Mercier (UQAM): \"Un projet égyptologique en oculométrie au NeuroLab de l’UQAM\"</p>\r\n<p>Lisa Teichmann (McGill): \"A data model to navigate between polygons and coordinate data\"</p>\r\n<p>Lena Krause (Maison MONA): \"MONA. Découvrir et s’approprier l’art public avec une application mobile\"</p>\r\n<p>Stéphanie Bernier (UdeMontréal), Giulia Ferretti (UdeMontréal), Roch Delannay (UdeMontréal) and Marcello Vitali-Rosati (UdeMontréal): \"Alfred DesRochers : une relecture vue du ciel\"</p>\r\n<p>10:50-11:05 : Coffee Break</p>\r\n<p>11:05-11:55 : Session 3</p>\r\n<p>Deanna Fong (UdeMontréal) and Tricia Enns (Concordia): \"Relational Information in Digital Design: The Fred Wah Digital Archive\"</p>\r\n<p>Mathilde Verstraete (UdeMontréal) and Marcello Vitali-Rosati (UdeMontréal): \"Le projet d’édition numérique collaborative de l’Anthologie grecque\"</p>\r\n<p>Dario Brancato (Concordia): \"VaSto: a Digital Edition for the History of 16th-century Florence\"</p>\r\n<p>Louis-Robert Beaulieu-Guay (McGill): \"Une base de données sur la règlementation canadienne\"</p>\r\n<p>Jason Camlot (Concordia) and Francisco Berrizbeitia (Concordia): \"Smartening Metadata of Literary Audio: An Interactive AI-based Approach to Semantic Annotations for the SpokenWeb Archive\"</p>\r\n<p>Alex Custodio (Concordia): \"Social and Aesthetic protocols involved in the maintenance of Retro handhelds (with a focus on the Nintendo Game Boy line)\"</p>\r\n<p>11:55 : Closing words by Anton Boudreau Ninkov (U de Montréal)</p>",
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"url": "https://www.crihn.org/nouvelles/2022/12/08/vitrine-hn-dh-showcase-2023/"
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"description": "<h2>February 17, 2023<br>As part of the eighth edition of the CRIHN's DH Showcase, which will take place at Concordia University on February 17, 2023 at 9 a.m. in the Milieux Resource Room EV 11.705 (EV Building), the Chair's team will be presenting ",
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"slug": "iaeneid-i-reading-as-part-of-the-festival-europeen-latin-grec",
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"title": "<i>Aeneid</i> Reading as part of the Festival Européen Latin Grec",
"content_html": "<p>Each year, the Festival Européen Latin Grec plans a public reading of a classical literary piece. For this 17<sup>th</sup> edition, the hommage is paid to the <i>Aeneid</i>.\r\n<p>The Center for Classical Studies is taking part in the event: we propose that you join us in declaiming the third canto of the Aeneid, preparing a multilingual reading, in the sense that you can read your passage in the language of your choice, with the intention of making Virgil's verses resonate as widely as possible.</p>.\r\n<p>The reading will take place on Thursday, March 23, at 11 a.m. The reading will be preceded by a lecture (9 a.m.) on the challenges of a Virgil reading given by Benjamin Victor and will be followed by a more convivial time around a snack.</p>",
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"description": "<h2>March 23, 2023<br>Mathilde Verstraete cohosts, with the Center for Classical Studies of the University of Montreal, on March 23, 2023 from 9 a.m. (EST) in the Jean-Brillant Building of the University, a public reading of Virgil's <i>Aeneid</i> as",
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"slug": "keynote-speaker-conference-at-the-universite-catholique-de-l-ouest-niort-campus",
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"title": "Keynote Speaker Conference at the Université catholique de l'Ouest - Niort Campus",
"content_html": "<h3>If It Is \"Intuitive\", It Is Dumb: In Praise of Bugs Against GAFAM Rhetoric</h3>\r\n<p>If it's intuitive it's dumb, if it's easy it's dangerous, if it's simple it's flat. However, GAFAM rhetoric consists in making us believe that the tools are neutral and that they naturally offer \"solutions\" to our problems. When it's \"intuitive\", it means that there is no reflection. It is easy, it does not require any effort. Because thinking is difficult and tiring, thinking critically is even more difficult, counterintuitive and exhausting. It is counterintuitive to be free, to be subjected is so much more relaxing...</p>",
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"description": "<h2>March 1, 2023<br>As part of the scientific partnership that the Niort Campus and the Faculty of Humanities signed with the Canada Research Chair on Digital Textualities, the Information Communication program of the Niort Campus is happy to invite",
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"legacy_slug": "Keynote-Speaker-Conference-at-the-Universite-catholique-de-lOuest---Niort-Campus",
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"slug": "sciences-de-l-imaginaire-speculative-science-colloquium",
"date_start": "2023-02-07",
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"title": "“Sciences de l'imaginaire” (Speculative Science) Colloquium",
"content_html": "<p>Literatures of the imaginary have been able to multiply in various formats and media since the 1980s (Besson, 2015). The popularization of digital technology and the ease of access to many creative tools have allowed readers, gamers, and viewers to participate in the establishment of extended universes (Wuyckens, 2016) beyond the original creations. These additions would not be possible without the intervention of communities of creators connected by common interests (Jenkins, 2006). These individuals are both confirmed artists, paid for this work, and amateurs, more or less experts in their field and in the work in which they participate. How do all these productions fit together to form a coherent universe? What tools and methods can we mobilize to understand them?</p>\r\n<p>The diversity of narrative proposals, from textual fanfiction to fan games, via videos, sound retakes, graphic works, etc., raises the question of a multimodality necessary to understand a fiction. The diversity of media mobilized by the extended universes (novels, films, series, video games, role-playing games, fan fiction, visual novels, audio series parodic or not, plays...) allows us to base our study on a vast corpus that we will be able to study quantitatively as well as qualitatively.</p>\r\n<p>The intimate interweaving of fictional metatext (Langlet 2006) and technologies (Ensslin 2014) leads to habits built on consistent dictionaries of gestures (Masure 2017, Lescouet 2022). For example, the habit of writing fanfiction (Barnabé 2014, Lata 2016) on dedicated platforms, whether blogs, Wattpad, or fanfiction.net, pushes communities to gather in distinct locations. The aim of this research is to question the formal adaptations that are made within the universes to take into account the particularities of the different media, but also to understand how these platform changes feed world building (Saint-Gelais 1999; Brean 2012) by extending it. Finally, we will question their impact on immersion: does the diversity of media and therefore of possible experiences within the same constructed universe reinforce its credibility? Or on the contrary, does this extension dissolve the focus and thus the suspension of disbelief demanded?</p>\r\n<p>For this study, we will start by exposing our example corpus, here the productions related to the Star Wars universe, in the form of an open and semantized database using OmekaS, tagged with a collaborative thesaurus (Lescouet, 2022). Then we will present the trends thanks to statistical visualizations (realized from the API of the database using Python). The account of this experience of applying documentation methodologies from the digital humanities to a contemporary corpus will allow us to address a first methodological proposal that can be transposed to other projects.</p>\r\n<p>Finally, we will draw analyses as to the links maintained between the different media and the fictional entity of the second constructed universe. Thus we will be able to mobilize the theories of the digital literary archive, deepened during our doctoral research within the Quebec Literature Mobile partnership (e.g., the digital writing repertory project in particular), but also to make them meet with the studies of the literatures of the imaginary at the heart of our current research. The mobilization of both literary and videogame notions, transmedia and multimodal, ensures us an integral understanding of our object, while maintaining its material diversity and complexity.</p>",
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"description": "<h2>June 16, 2023<br>Emmanuelle Lescouet gives a talk titled \"Les humanités numériques pour documenter les corpus de l'imaginaire\" (Digital Humanities For Documenting Speculative Fiction Corpora) at the \"<a href=\"https://icttdoc.hypotheses.org/49#mor",
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"legacy_slug": "Sciences-de-limaginaire-Speculative-Science-Colloquium",
"legacy_location": null
"slug": "debugue-tes-humanites-debug-your-humanities-season-3",
"date_start": "2022-12-13",
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"id": 1516,
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"title": "Débugue tes humanités ! (Debug Your Humanities!) - Season 3",
"content_html": "<p>Establishing a reflection in humanities and social sciences today means understanding and manipulating digital writing tools. It is necessary to offer training in institutions of learning to train humanities researchers in digital theories and practices. These workshops will take place starting on December 6, 2022, every Tuesday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. (EST). Free and open to all, in person (by registering <a href=\"https://bib.umontreal.ca/formations/calendrier?cid=7690&t=g&cal=7690&q=d%C3%A9bugue\">here</a>) and online here: https://meet.jit.si/DebugHumanitesCRCEN-BLSH.</p>\r\n<h3>Season 3 - Digital Literacy</h3>\r\n<p>Session 01 - UNDERSTANDING THE COMPUTER THROUGH THE TERMINAL<br>\r\n2022-12-06<br>\r\nWhere files are on a computer. The terminal.<br></p>\r\n<p>SESSION 02 - MANAGING FILES THROUGH THE TERMINAL<br>\r\n2023-01-10<br>\r\nThe terminal. Basic and advanced commands.</p>\r\n<p>SESSION 03 - FILE FORMATS<br>\r\n2023-02-14<br>\r\nDefinitions and usages. Markdown, HTML, PDF.</p>\r\n<p>SESSION 04 - GIT<br>\r\n2023-03-28<br>\r\nDocument versioning.</p>\r\n<p>SESSION 05 - ZOTERO<br>\r\n2023-04-25<br>\r\nAdvanced uses of Zotero.</p>\r\n<p>SESSION 06 - INTRODUCTION TO THE TEXT EDITOR STYLO<br>\r\n2023-05-16<br>\r\nA text editor for the humanities.</p>\r\n<p>SESSION 07 - PRODUCING DOCUMENTS<br>\r\n2023-06-13<br>\r\nStylo, Zettlr, Pandoc. How to convert files to different formats.</p>\r\n<h3>Season 3 - Advanced</h3>\r\n<p>SESSION 01 - MARKUP LANGUAGES<br>\r\n2023-01-31<br>\r\nMarkdown, HTML and XML. Semantic markup.</p>\r\n<p>SESSION 02 - INTRODUCTION TO CSS<br>\r\n2023-03-14<br>\r\nTo style HTML documents.</p>\r\n<p>SESSION 03 - INTRODUCTION TO JAVASCRIPT<br>\r\n2023-04-11<br>\r\nTo develop interactions on the Web.<br>\r\n<p>SESSION 04 - STATIC WEBSITE GENERATOR (1/2)<br>\r\n2023-05-09<br>\r\nHow to change text documents into HTML webpages.</p>\r\n<p>SESSION 05 - STATIC WEBSITE GENERATOR (2/2)<br>\r\n2023-05-30<br>\r\nWeb site deployment with GitHub Pages.</p>\r\n<p>SESSION 06 - PAGED.JS<br>\r\n2023-06-20<br>\r\nWeb to print and converting HTML content to PDF from a browser.</p>",
"links": [
"label": "Workshop Website (Full Program and Schedule)",
"url": "https://debugue.ecrituresnumeriques.ca/"
"feature_image": null,
"description": "<h2>December 6, 2022 - June 20, 2023<br>Roch Delannay and Giulia Ferretti host the third season of the « Débugue tes humanités ! » (Debug Your Humanities!) workshops, designed for humanities scholars. In person and online on <a href=\"https://meet.jit",
"location": null,
"legacy_image": "https://imgur.com/zz4sabC.jpg",
"legacy_slug": "Debugue-tes-humanites-Debug-Your-Humanities---Season-three",
"legacy_location": null
"slug": "vocum-conference",
"date_start": "2022-11-22",
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"id": 1512,
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"title": "VocUM Conference",
"content_html": "<p>On November 17, 2022, at 1:30 p.m. (EST), Yann Audin gives a talk titled \"Documentaire : remédiation de l'archive en fiction\" (Documentaries: Remediation of Archives Through Fiction).</p>\r\n<p>According to Jacques Rancière, documentary is a particular fictional form; while maintaining an illusion of representation of reality, it uses the non-fictional archive to weave a narrative (Rancière 2001). The truth claims of documentary contribute to the invisibility of the artifices of intermediation between the \"direct\" capture of archival images (or other data) and fiction, the latter serving as a tool for rewriting reality. The bridge produced between several forms of information representation recalls Galloway's imperative that \"data have no necessary visual form\" (Galloway 2011), as narrative by its nature forms arbitrary links between its elements (Rancière 2001). At the same time, documentary produces a collapse of the distance between the viewer and the narrator: an overlay that facilitates a shift from the viewer's regime of truth to that of the audience assumed by the documentary filmmakers. The information-sharing purpose of documentary is supplanted by the deployment of political orientations and the normalization of a relationship to reality. Functionally, the documentary produces displacements, first in its material (from archive to fiction, from filmic methods to political tools), then in the spectators (displacement of the regime of truth, emotional reorientation).</p>\r\n<p>This presentation offers a theoretical framework for addressing the remediation of archival images in fictional form by mobilizing filmic principles (Hitchcock and Markle 2011), reception theory (Gibson 1950), and Foucault's concept of truth regime (Lorenzini 2013). The proposed approach highlights the epistemic dangers of propaganda and the importance of critical reading, whether negotiated or oppositional (Hall 1993). A fragment of a newscast is used as a case study to exemplify the use of this theoretical framework.</p>",
"links": [
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"url": "https://vocum.ca/en/program/"
"feature_image": null,
"description": "<h2>November 17-18, 2022<br>Yann Audin is co-president of the VocUM International Conference's 2022 Edition, organized by students of the Université de Montréal, all from different fields of study relating to language.</h2>",
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"legacy_slug": "VocUM-Conference",
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"slug": "stylo-developments-toward-new-xml-exports",
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"id": 1510,
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"title": "Stylo Developments: Toward New XML Exports",
"content_html": "<p>The semantic text editor for the humanities Stylo continues to evolve. This project, initiated and coordinated by the Canada Research Chair in Digital Textualities and currently supported by Huma-Num, will include new export formats. Several researchers are meeting to work on XML export issues, including compatibility with the Métopes publishing chain and the OpenEdition publisher. Yves Marcoux, a specialist in XML and more specifically in XSLT transformation sheets, will participate in this exchange to bring his expertise.</p>",
"links": [
"label": "Stylo Platform",
"url": "https://stylo.huma-num.fr/"
"feature_image": null,
"description": "<h2>September 27, 2022<br>The text editor Stylo, developed by the Canada Research Chair on Digital Textualities, is the object of new considerations.</h2>",
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"legacy_image": "https://imgur.com/0q00FW5.jpg",
"legacy_slug": "Stylo-Developments-Toward-New-XML-Exports",
"legacy_location": null
"slug": "invitation-by-the-building-21-project-of-mcgill-university",
"date_start": "2022-10-17",
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"id": 1508,
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"title": "Invitation by the Building 21 Project of McGill University",
"content_html": "<p>Marcello Vitali-Rosati is invited to reflect upon the article \"<a href=\"https://cajundiscordian.medium.com/is-lamda-sentient-an-interview-ea64d916d917\">Is LaMDA Sentient? — an Interview</a>\" by Blake Lemoine.</p>",
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"url": "https://building21.ca/events-1"
"feature_image": null,
"description": "<h2>November 7, 2022<br>The Building 21 Project of McGill University invites Marcello Vitali-Rosati, on November 7 at 1:30 p.m. (EST), to discuss artificial intelligence in the humanities. In person at Building 21, and online (link to come on the pro",
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"legacy_image": "https://imgur.com/WHAnVA3.jpg",
"legacy_slug": "Invitation-by-the-Building-twoone-Project-of-McGill-University",
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"slug": "colloquium",
"date_start": "2022-10-17",
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"id": 1524,
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"languages_code": "en",
"title": "Colloquium ",
"content_html": "<p>When we think of science fiction and fantasy, we often come to oppose them through two of their matrix elements: science and magic. For all that, these two concepts, so evocative in this comparison, seem irrevocably linked in that they transfigure a key element of both genres: knowledge.</p>\r\n<p>By tracing the links between science and magic, it is these different meanings of knowledge according to the cultures of the imagination that we propose to explore in the framework of this colloquium, in order to consider what definitions and representations are proposed to the public. It would also be a question of exploring the way in which these same sciences and magics go beyond the fictional border, by bringing this knowledge to infuse itself and to be transmitted within the framework of reception and creation.</p>",
"links": [
"label": "Colloquium Program",
"url": "https://laboimaginr2.hypotheses.org/1334"
"feature_image": null,
"description": "<h2>February 28 - March 1, 2023<br>Emmanuelle Lescouet co-hosts, from February 28 to March 1, 2023, at the Maison des Sciences et de l'Homme in Brittany, the colloquium \"Entre science et magie : les savoirs dans les cultures de l'imaginaire\" (Between",
"location": null,
"legacy_image": "https://imgur.com/iOT12Tj.jpg",
"legacy_slug": "Colloquium-",
"legacy_location": null
"slug": "editions-critiques-numeriques-et-multilinguisme-critical-digital-editions-and-multilingualism-workshop",
"date_start": "2022-09-26",
"date_end": null,
"time_start": null,
"time_end": null,
"event_type": null,
"id": 1498,
"events_id": 749,
"languages_code": "en",
"title": "\"Éditions critiques numériques et multilinguisme\" (Critical Digital Editions and Multilingualism) Workshop",
"content_html": "<p>The central theme of our workshop \"Éditions critiques numériques et multilinguisme\" (Critical Digital Editions and Multilingualism) is to identify the changes brought about by the digital in the production and dissemination of knowledge in the humanities. Specifically, participants in our event are exploring how the digital age is reshaping the production and dissemination of knowledge and content in literature, philosophy, and art history, drawing on high-level expertise in information science and digital humanities. This timely conjunction of researchers and fields of specialization has allowed us to lay the groundwork for both a practical and theoretical analysis and apprehension of a crucial object of study in our respective fields, namely critical publishing (in the broadest sense) and what happens to it in the digital age (here, critical publishing being understood as the scholarly production of a document accompanied by annotations, commentary, and other materials deemed appropriate by the editor).</p>",
"links": [
"label": "Event Page",
"url": "https://www.crihn.org/nouvelles/2022/09/19/atelier-editions-critiques-numeriques-et-multilinguisme/"
"feature_image": null,
"description": "<h2>September 27, 2022<br>\r\nMathilde Verstraete and Marcello Vitali-Rosati give a talk, on September 27, 2022, as part of the workshop \"Éditions critiques numériques et multilinguisme\" (Critical Digital Editions and Multilingualism) held by the <a hr",
"location": null,
"legacy_image": "https://imgur.com/JiBXeKI.jpg",
"legacy_slug": "Editions-critiques-numeriques-et-multilinguisme-Critical-Digital-Editions-and-Multilingualism-Workshop",
"legacy_location": null
"slug": "guest-lecture-in-the-course-la-lecture-fondements-et-processus-reading-foundations-and-processes-at-the-universite-du-quebec-a-montreal",
"date_start": "2022-09-23",
"date_end": null,
"time_start": null,
"time_end": null,
"event_type": null,
"id": 1496,
"events_id": 748,
"languages_code": "en",
"title": "Guest Lecture in the course \"La lecture : fondements et processus\" (Reading: Foundations and Processes) at the Université du Québec à Montréal",
"content_html": "<p>Emmanuelle Lescouet proposes an introduction to various forms of digital literature, from eBooks to literary video games, without forgetting book-apps, notifiction and social media literature. This lecture will aim to identify the issues specific to the formal heterogeneity of this corpus.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Through the study of reading gestures, she will address the diversity of reading processes involved.</p>",
"links": null,
"feature_image": null,
"description": "<h2>October 6, 2022<br>Emmanuelle Lescouet is invited, on October 6, 2022 at 2 p.m. (EST), to give a lecture in the class \"La lecture : fondements et processus\" (Reading: Foundations and Processes) taught at the Université du Québec à Montréal.</h2>",
"location": null,
"legacy_image": "https://imgur.com/17lVTWJ.jpg",
"legacy_slug": "Guest-Lecture-in-the-course-La-lecture--fondements-et-processus-Reading-Foundations-and-Processes-at-the-Universite-du-Quebec-a-Montreal",
"legacy_location": null